
Legal Translation in Dubai came in existence and started raising its demand when the documentationstarted getting international. When people started travelling to UAE andstarted planning their future in UAE, they had to bring their documentationalong and had to submit it to the legal departments of UAE. Ministries andGovernmental departments had to keep a record of all possible details and asArabic is and was always the national language of UAE, the documents weresupposed to be submitted in Arabic. Now, every country has its own (one ormore) official language in which they print their legal documents. In UAE, thenational language is Arabic and most of the documents from the legaldepartments are in Arabic.
The LegalTranslation in Dubai is required when the documents from another countryare supposed to be submitted to the authorities of UAE and they are not inArabic. In order to have them submitted in the legal departments of UAE, youwould need to have your documents translated into Arabic. E.g. when you areapplying for your spouse’s visa in UAE, you would require your MarriageCertificate Translation as the authorities require the Arabic version ofthe document in order to put it in the system.
Not all documents can be translated legally as LegalTranslation in Dubai has a very specific criterion. In order to legallytranslate a foreign document, the original document has to be attested from theconcerned departments’ i.e. Foreign affairs of the home country,UAE Embassy inthe home country and then UAEMOFA. Once these requirements are met, thedocument is legally translated and attached with a copy of the original and arebinded together and then are represented to the authorities theywere intendedto be represented to.
However, Legal Translation in Dubai is notonly used for inside the UAE. Over the time, we have seen countless cases whereour clients required their documents to be used outside the country and we hadthe honor to serve them in their overseas requirements. We provided them withthe Legal Translation in Dubai and Documents were then sent to abroad totheir desired location.
The importance of Legal Translation in Dubai ispretty critical as the ones who do not understand it, cannot possibly assistyou in your legal translation needs. Our team of extravagant professionals haveserved decades in the Legal Translation in Dubai and have helped in someof the most complicated projects. Which is why, AHTS stands confident that nomatter how complicated your documents are and how big the project is, AHTSwould make sure you get what you deserve.