
Thyroideye diseases are an auto-immune disorder that causes excessive inflammation ofthe thyroid gland, muscles, tissues, and surrounding skin surrounding the eyes.In many autoimmune diseases, the immune system wrongly attacks a normalcomponent of our body. Swelling and inflammation from thyroid eye disease mayresult in symptoms like double vision and eye fatigue. Thyroid diseases can bechronic or acute, with the former being chronic and the latter being acute.
Thyroiddiseases which are chronic are most common in middle-aged women, whereas thesymptoms are far less common in men. Acute thyroid diseases are caused by thebody's immune system attacking the gland in a non-inflammatory way. As such,symptoms can go unnoticed for months, even years. Thyroid eye diseases that areacute are usually diagnosed through medical surveillance, where blood samplesare drawn and checked regularly to monitor the condition of thyroid.
Thereare two types of thyroideye disease treatment:open and endoscopic. Endoscopic surgery is relatively non-invasive and can bedone in less than half an hour, whereas open surgery takes longer. Theendoscope is a thin, flexible tube that is introduced into the body via theanus. It is passed through the stomach and then around the exterior of thethighs and then, through the navel. A light is attached to the endoscope thusenabling it to clearly view the thyroid gland and other parts of the body.
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