
Thethin wall packaging is an advanced form of traditional hot-line injectionmolding which focuses on producing thick, lightweight plastic parts which arestrong and thin so that greater material cost savings are possible and cycletimes are as short as conceivable. In other words, the time frame for parts tobe produced and ready for use is considerably shorter with this process thanwith traditional molding techniques. The most obvious benefits are reducedproduction times, cost savings, flexibility, and increased productioncapabilities. However, these benefits come at a price, and some processesrequire high skill levels and careful attention to detail.
Thinwall injection molding is used in a process in which heavy-duty, thick plasticparts are made from thin-walled, plastic sleeves. These parts can then be usedin a variety of applications, such as computer enclosures, headphone jacks,handheld consoles, and handheld joysticks, as well as many other popularproducts. They are also increasingly used for precision-production components,such as precision parts for automobiles.
Thereare two kinds of thinwall packaging machines - high-flow and low-flow. Both use a similarbasic concept but high-flow machines tend to include a more powerful pump andstronger fan. Low-flow machines use a weaker fan and pump, but they typicallyfeature a lower motor output, which improves efficiency. In either case, thefluid is recycled between cycles, reducing waste.
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