
When the voice prosthesis device isemployed to provide relief from symptoms resulting from a throat condition thatinhibits speech such as a paroxysmal tumor or an adenocarcinoma, then a cavitywithin the trachea can be made smaller by the device. Such a cavity is providedwhen the voice prosthesis is placed inside the tracheal end of the oralappliance. The Voice Prosthesis Device can also be used to provide speechtherapy and orthodontic treatment to those who are suffering from alveolarosteoarthritis. The voice prosthesis device is designed for the principle ofincreasing airway size by expanding the tracheal cavity and improving airwayclearance.
The principal cause of the airwayobstruction is the occurrence of a tracheal valve seat that is too small forthe patient's airway. Therefore, a voice prosthetic that is capable ofincreasing the size of the tracheal valve seat is required. This can be done bythe incorporation of a diaphragm that has been coupled with a voice capsuleand/or an elastomeric voice prosthetic. These three components form the voice prosthesis device. They then work hand in hand with the diaphragm for enablingthe passage of air into the trachea and the valve seat. Secondly, the voiceprosthesis device is fitted on the tracheal flange directly. The diaphragm isthen fastened around the tracheal flange using a metal screw cap and/or screws.Then the hinge flap is opened and a voice prosthesis is inserted into theflange. The diaphragm is then closed. This type of voice prosthesis device is calleda "closed valve" voice prosthesis where the diaphragm is movedoutwards from its original position to close the valve seat and the valve isrepositioned back into its normal position inside the nose.
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