
Active and modified atmosphere packaging is a smart andintelligent packaging technology that helps extend shelf life of fresh produce,provides a high-quality product as well as reduced economic losses, includingthose caused by delay of ripening, and improves appearance. Due to this,freshness of the product remains intact, the shelf-stability of the product isenhanced to longer periods of time, and product worth is increases due toconvenient packaging. This type of packaging finds application across meat,dairy products, poultry and seafood, fruits and vegetables, processed foodproducts, bakery and confectionery, and others.
Active and modified atmosphere packagingis rapidly growing as a business solution to meet product specifications andextend shelf life of consumer products in the supply chain. However, many smallbusinesses are unaware of how easily these packages can benefit their bottomline. When considered together, the reasons drive businesses to implement the activeand modified atmosphere packaging into their distribution systems. Moreover,food and beverage producers need to provide their goods to an ever-wideningglobal marketplace, ensuring optimal taste and consistency for their goodswhile extending shelf life.
One of the primary benefits of active and modifiedatmosphere packaging is that it helps reduce waste. The production of gases inthe bottle or can leads to emissions of greenhouse gases. The process alsoinvolves the emission of oxygen, which is a source of both air pollution andacid rain. However, through the use of specialized media and unique temperatureadjustments, emissions are substantially reduced while oxygen levels remainstable. This reduces the overall cost of manufacturing. With a reduction insolid waste, producers are able to eliminate 50% of their material waste. Theresulting cost savings translate into lower prices for consumers, as well ashigher profit margins for manufacturers.
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