The Material Handling Equipment You Need to Optimize Your Business’s Curbside Pickup
The Material Handling Equipment You Need to Optimize Your Business’s Curbside Pickup
With curbside pickup becoming a popular choice for customers, your business may want to optimize your curbside pickup option. Whether it is using classic hand trucks to enable a single employee to move multiple heavy boxes to the pickup area or a powered hand truck to move heavy objects across the store, the right material handling equipment can help you optimize curbside pickup.

With curbside pickup becoming a popular option for customers, optimizing your business’s curbside pickup service is essential. Instead of pulling more than a single employee off their current task, a hand cart can be used to help make a single employee more efficient. Here are some of the pieces of material handling equipment that can help your team optimize curbside pickups.

The Classic Hand Cart for Boxes

Classic hand trucks are perfect for moving a stack of boxes or items a customer has ordered for curbside pickup. Whether it’s office supplies, electronics, appliances or other products, a single employee can move more items at once with a classic hand cart than by simply carrying the boxes. They can move faster, as well, and won’t have to worry about tripping and hurting themselves or the products. With a hand truck, it’s easy to collect the items and bring them to the curbside pickup area.

Platform Trucks for Larger Loads

Bringing oversized or bulky items that won’t fit on classic hand trucks to the curbside pickup area can be challenging without the right material handling tools. Where it might have taken multiple employees to move larger items or boxes, a platform truck can enable a single employee to move larger products or more boxes than a classic hand truck. An entire grocery order, for example, can be put on a single platform truck and moved to the customer’s vehicle.

Powered Hand Trucks to Move Large Items Long Distances

Does your hardware store offer curbside pickup? Larger items might need to be moved through the store or warehouse to a curbside pickup area. A powered hand truck is ideal for moving heavier or larger items longer distances, such as across the entire store and to a customer’s vehicle. What would normally take a team lift to move is now the work of one person. A team lift may be needed to get the item into the customer’s vehicle at the curbside, but moving the item is much faster and can be done by one person controlling the powered hand truck.

Hand Lift Trucks to Load Customer’s Items

Another option for helping to load customer’s vehicles is a hand lift truck. Whether it’s boxes of tile, bags of cement, or other objects that would normally have your employee bending over to pick up and put in a customer’s vehicle, the hand lift truck can save your employee’s back. The hand lift truck offers powered lifting, raising the items up so that it’s easy for the employee to slide the items into a trunk. You can find hand lift trucks that have powered lifting but not powered movement, which, unlike a forklift truck that can perform similar duties, does not require a license to operate.

About Magline

The Magliner name, in the material handling industry, has been associated for more than 70 years with the highest quality standard. The Magliner name is so iconic that any brand’s hand trucks or dollies are often referred to as a Magliner for shorthand. Unfortunately for the other brands, there is only one Magliner. Only Magliner hand trucks and material handling equipment offer a stand-out level of durability, dependability, and best-in-class quality in the industry. In addition to the legendary and highly customizable classic Magliner hand truck, they offer a hand lift truck series, a powered stair climbing hand truck selection, a motorized hand truck line, and a great deal more. When you need something lifted, transported, or delivered, rely on Magliner equipment to help you get the job done quickly and efficiently.

Get the equipment you need to optimize curbside pickup at

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