
Itis difficult to think of any two terms more synonymous than "brandedgenerics" and "generic drugs". But when they are used together,what happens? Generic drugs are a boon to generic manufacturers because theyoffer them a way of getting products to market at a low cost and increasingprofits. A branded generic is a generic drug that has gone through the ANDAprocess, and is assigned a name other than the chemical name.
Thereare a number of reasons why people prefer to use branded generics over generic drugs. One is that they think genericcompanies are less likely to invest in research and development. It seemscompanies only care about profit before the public and scientists. And althoughit's been noted that generic companies do occasionally invest in research, mostof the time it is to expand their market share.
Anotherreason why people prefer to take branded generics rather than the genericequivalent is because they think there are fewer side effects. This is notalways the case, as most generic drugs will contain the same ingredients as thebrand name drug. And it's not just the list of ingredients that make thedifference: the exact way the drug is manufactured will also influence its sideeffects. Generic drugs are made following Food and Drug Administration (FDA)guidelines, but in order for the product to be considered approved, the finaldosage and composition must be based on well-researched safety studies.
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