
Quality-controlled laboratories throughout the worldfrequently perform specialized cannabis product testing. In addition to testingthe plant itself, cannabis testing focuses on how it is distributed and whetherderivatives may be released during or after production. Some testinglaboratories also test for pesticides, fungicides, solvents, disinfectants,herbicides, drugs, equipment, toxic chemicals, contaminants, and inactiveingredient concentrations. All of these products are tested for safety andpotency. Forensic cannabis testing, including potency testing and analyticalwork, is frequently performed by local police departments.
Cannabis testing is performed on those laboratories which are still on the brink ofbeing operational and will undoubtedly open up to more incremental drug testingrequests, especially for pesticide levels, THMs, chlorine levels, mold,pesticides, heavy metals, yeast, and numerous others. Many laboratories arefinding that the ever-changing toxicity curve for therapeutic cannabis ismaking it difficult to keep abreast of new contaminant contamination trends andthe speed at which new contaminants are evolving as well as the rapidness inwhich they can accumulate offer labs a challenging time when trying to test forcurrent contamination trends and potential novel contaminant sources. The sheervolume of cannabis testing needs in both the legal and the medical sectorscontinues to grow, especially with the emergence of more specialized laboratories.Specialized laboratories are rapidly being created to focus specifically oncannabis testing requirements. Moreover, there are many outside testinglaboratories becoming established for the sole purpose of cannabis testing.There are currently no regulations in place that require laboratories tospecialize in any particular field of cannabis testing.
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