
The worldwide interestfor elemental fluorine is straightforwardly corresponded for its differentpotential benefits over other cleaning gases. The on location creation offluorine gas is more advantageous and savvy. Unadulterated fluorine gasperforms better compared to other fluorine gases like ClF3, NF3, SF6, and F2/N2combinations, since latent segments of these gases can bargain the cleaningexecution.
Fluorine isexceptionally viable for dry chamber cleaning. Unadulterated fluorine gas hasefficiency acquires comparative with CVD instruments, high cleaning execution,and more limited cleaning time, with no natural effect, and less energyutilization.
The noticeable qualityof fluorine gases as a cleaning gas may bring promising development for the elementalfluorine market. It isexceptionally advantageous for dry chamber cleaning, has profitability acquiresidentified with CVD instruments, devours less an ideal opportunity forcleaning, and conveys high cleaning execution. Subsequently, this viewpoint maybring incredible development openings for the elemental fluorine.
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