
Stump Grinding - Tree Services in Melbourne
Tree stumps are the remains of trees after being cut above ground level. These tree trunks often cause problems while planning the landscape, especially during the landscaping of gardens. In these cases, you have no other solution except removing them. In general, a large plant or tree has an established root system that penetrates deep inside the ground. With this in mind, it is not so easy to remove stumps. Without the garden tools and proper planning, the removal of tree stumps can be one of the most difficult projects. Let’s take a look in some ways that will help you remove tree stumps.
How To Remove Tree Stumps?
When it comes to removing tree stumps, there is a myriad of ways to carry out the task. The logic is to opt for an effective procedure depending on the type; size and number of the stumps. Below are some of the popular methods used for stump removal, which can be practiced according to your needs:
1. Excavation of stumps - This can be the most practical response to the removal of tree stumps. Although this method is laborious and time-consuming, it is more environmentally friendly and affordable compared to others. You can use this method for small and medium shallow rooted trees. Dig the soil around the trunk of a tree to expose the roots with a shovel or an ax. Once the roots are exposed, you can remove the stump cutting the roots with a root saw.
2. Splitting of tree stumps - Another manual procedure for removing tree stumps is splitting, while still in the ground. Using a splitting maul or ax, you can split the trunk of a tree into several pieces from the edges and work toward the center. Remove the pieces of wood at the same time, until all traces are erased. This method requires a minimum of excavation for removing stumps. Be sure to do it carefully, as it involves swinging maul.
3. Using a tree stump grinder - A tree stump grinder is a garden tool that is specifically designed to get rid of the stumps of large trees. It consists of a spinning blade with carbide tips that shreds the logs. A top quality unit is effective in removing stumps about 12 inches below the ground. A stump grinder is also an ideal choice for the removal of tree stumps located in difficult areas such as near walls or paths. You can rent this device at garden centers. Make sure you understand the operation of grinder machine before you start removing tree stumps.
4. Chemical removal of tree stumps - If not in a hurry to remove the stumps of trees, then you can make use of chemicals, which formulated to accelerate the death of tree stumps and roots. To use these products, drill several deep wells in the upper torso at regular intervals. Pour the chemical into the holes as instructed and wait for the results. Fortunately, the trunk of a tree decomposes within 4-6 months.
5. Burning the stumps of tree trunks - Burning is also an effective and less expensive method to get rid of the stump. To get rid of a tree trunk by this method, gather pieces of wood and as much wood waste as you can. Continue adding pieces of wood on the fire until the stump is burned completely. Since this method generates smoke, consider getting the permission of the local authorities in your area.
This was an overview on how to remove tree stumps. In case you are not ready to tackle the removal of tree stumps on your own, then always hire professional services for the project.
If you have any questions please give Arborcraft Tree Services a call for your tree service needs.