
· MyBest Social Media Tipsfor Recognition andExposure!
Start with your socialmedia profile, because afaceless and/or incomplete profilewill not attract attention. COmplete any social media profile as professionally as possibleand pay attention todetail. With LinkedIn for example your profile “About” section gives you 2000characters if memory serves me right.
Use all of them, or asclose as you can. The more professionalyour profile, the faster your presence and recognition will grow! There are a few factors toalways consider with building a reputation on social media.
1. Professional Profile and Picture.
2. Post Consistency and Timing.
3. Audience Engagement.
4. Presentation (The Art of Creating Curiosity).
In my opinion, those are the barebasics of social media marketing. And from an affiliate marketing point ofview, you NEVER shareaffiliate links…Ever! There are other ways, both paid and free methods to leverage socialmedia for affiliatetraffic.
· Howto Use Social MediaMarketing for AffiliateMarketing?
Under no circumstances do you evershare affiliate links on social media. That just trumpets “Newbie” andyou will have a hard time building recognition. Withoutrecognition, your social media presence is going nowhere, and neither is yoursocial media marketingefforts.
These are 10 of my ownfavourites when it comes to driving traffic to affiliate links. Because youmust have a “BridgePage” or “Affiliate Niche Storefront” to promoteaffiliate marketing linkson social media.
1. Blogging and SEO.
2. Email List Building.
3. Social Networking.
4. Affiliate Niche Storefronts.
5. Writing and Publishing eBooks.
6. Writing Articles.
7. Creating YouTube Videos.
8. Launching Digital Products.
9. Creating Google Sites.
10. Creating Google Documents.
In other words, a siteor URL standing between the social media platform and your affiliate marketing offer. Indefinition, that is exactly the primary purpose of a “BridgePage”. To redirect to an affiliate link or offer. Or any other site for that matter.
· AffiliateNiche Storefronts and Bridge Pagesfor Facebook!
Affiliate NicheStorefronts are also great “Bridge Pages” for any social profile,including Facebook. Because that is how you get floods ofFacebook traffic to Clickbank affiliate marketing links.
Using affiliate niche storefronts and bridgepages will put you on awhole new level of “Professional”.And you may gain recognition a littlefaster. But you need to do your research and spend some time getting to knowyour way around affiliate niche storefronts and bridge pages.
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