
SmokeEvacuation System (SES) is a high performance, fully automatic unit that is installedsafely and consistently at over 5000 establishments throughout the UnitedKingdom. This unique system is an advance on the existing 'Activated CarbonFilter' method, which means that Carbon Monoxide (CO) can be vented directlyoutside of the building in which the filter is placed. The Carbon Monoxide isthen collected by a second filter inside the smoke detector, which is thenactivated by the sensor to produce a detectable amount of smoke. Smoke from alfresco restaurants and other such commercial premises is filtered through theSES and dispensed as a clean, odorless gas.
Smokeevacuation system uses two different types of methods for introducing smokeinto the environment: the activated carbon filter and the vacuum stage. Bothare very effective. Bovie (breathing) or suction feeding systems introducesmoke into the environment through a closed tube or suction tube. Bovie usespaper or a thin film of plastic to be inserted into the pipe and is moreeffective than the actual plastic that the system uses in the manufacturingprocess, as it does not break down. Suction feeding systems use tubing with afine head to introduce the smoke into the air.
Smokeevacuation systems are designed toprovide continuous airtight sealing when in operation. Smoke-evacuation tubeand suction-feeding tube systems require continuous air pressure to remain inworking order and stop any leakage. The Smoke Evacuation System (SES) workswith both hose and nozzle configurations. The surgical smoke evacuation systemis designed to protect the surgical site from smoke inhalation while insurgery. It will protect the surgical site from particulates in the smokeplume. In most cases it will protect from particulate matter smaller than 10micrometers. It will prevent the smoke from entering the surgical site throughthe smoke exit, which must be carefully selected.
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