
Themarket for prepacked chromatography columns is expected to witness significantgrowth. This is primarily because the main processing method forchromatography, which involves a column made of solid silica gel or glass hasbeen steadily evolving over the last half century. Some advances in single-useand fully automated technologies are particularly notable, with some promisingresults for clinical and pre-clinical chromatography.
Thecommercial market for prepacked chromatography columns and their products hasseen dramatic improvements over the past few years. It is projected that salesfor the commercial sector will experience a further increase in the comingyears as pharmaceutical companies look to improve their downstream processes.In fact, some of the largest pharmaceutical companies around the world areactively exploring opportunities in the commercialization of chromatographysystems.
Thisarticle focuses on two of the main challenges for the prepackedchromatography columns industry - costreduction and efficiency improvement. One challenge is related to thetechnological development of new and cost effective chromatography instruments.The second challenge centers on efficiency improvements. The discussionconsiders how management can address these issues in terms of product design,material specification, manufacturing process and post-production servicecontracts. The article concludes by briefly considering regulatory factors andthe role they play in the industry.
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