
Self-heatingfood packaging is highly active packaging which has the capability to rapidlyheat food contents with no outside energy or heat sources. Such packaging generallyuses an exothermic reaction as a mechanism for heating. Self-cooling packs canalso be self-cooling. During storage, the heat pack is usually placed in anupright position so that its bottom remains uncovered. The heat source is oftenan electrically conductive appliance. It can either be a water bath or electriccoil that can generate surface heat for the purpose of maintaining thetemperature inside the box.
Self-heatingproducts have the potential to greatly improving the quality of the finalproduct. They also allow greater control over the preservation and freshness ofthe food. This is in contrast to traditional packaging, where there is nocontrol over storage conditions of packaging materials and heat retention. Theend product may even lack the freshness desired.
Thepopularity of self-heatingfood packaging is not a recent phenomenon. The first such packages weremanufactured in the 1950s. Nowadays, a wide variety of these products are usedfor food packaging, including ice boxes, gel packets, and other forms of sealedfood. Self-heating packaging is extensively used for food, especially forconfectionery products and hot snacks. Most people are already familiar withself-sealing food bags.
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