Renewable Methanol costs are continuing to rise, despite low production volumes.
Renewable Methanol costs are continuing to rise, despite low production volumes.
A new type of methanol that does not require the burning of fossil fuels has become popular in recent years. The switch to these types derived from bio-char or biomass from renewable sources can expand the scope of methanol usage

Anew type of methanol that does not require the burning of fossil fuels hasbecome popular in recent years. The switch to these types derived from bio-charor biomass from renewable sources can expand the scope of methanol usage andassist to make transportation and industry fuels more carbon neutral. Whileproduction volumes are relatively low, costs for renewable methanol continue tobe high. In addition to this, it is difficult to imagine a practical way toimplement this type of methanol in current markets due to the fact that its useand manufacture require an enormous amount of initial investment. Fortunately,advances in technology are making the development of new methanol on an industrialscale much more feasible.

Thereare several approaches that methanol manufacturers and consumers can follow tolower emissions from their products. The most cost-effective is to improve thedesign of the product. One easy way to reduce emissions is by using renewablemethanol instead of regularcrude oil or gasoline. Bio-char created from wood or other bio-degradable biomassis the ideal solution because it combines carbon with oxygen to create asubstance with two positive emissions. This is the first step toward renewablemethanol usage in place of petroleum diesel.

Thesecond solution is to convert existing infrastructure to renewable methanol.Many municipal sewer lines and electricity transmission lines already have methanolin place as they have the capacity to effectively transfer heat but convertingthem to usable energy carrier carbon requires an expensive process. One optionto reduce these emissions is to run the heating and cooling systems on existinginfrastructure using renewable methanol. The methanol can then be recovered byburning it in the same energy carrier that produces it. This allows an existinginfrastructure to use the same fuel source to reduce emissions while reducingits own costs.

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