
Plant-basedBiologics are medicines that derive from the extracts of living organisms.These medicines are usually derived from animals and there are several animalextracts used for the production of medicines. The animal-derived componentsare usually in the form of enzymes or peptides, whereas plant extracts areusually in the form of phytoestrogens or plant steroids. There are two majorcategories of plant-basedbiologics namely primary andsecondary plant hormones.
Nowadays,the biotechnology industry is extensively saturated with the dominance ofplant-based proteins. These proteins are abundantly available in plants whichare able to help the human body to fight against a number of fatal andlife-threatening diseases and disorders. These biologics are now being used forthe treatment of these diseases and they are proving to be more effective thanthe medicines that are derived from animals. The main reason behind this factis that these biologics are devoid of the dangerous chemicals and other toxicsubstances which are commonly used in the manufacturing of animal-derivedmedicines. Therefore, these medicines are considered to be much safer for the healthand wellbeing of human beings.
Itis a well-known fact that plants are being used to develop the major medicinesthat will one day save mankind from the hazardous clutches of these diseases. Arecent study has revealed that a miraculous new plant, which contains a novelset of genes that are responsible for creating a set of cells that caneffectively fight against all kinds of deadly viruses and germs. This novel setof genes was found to be very useful in the field of genetic engineering. It isdue to the efforts and research of this organization that the field ofbiologics has emerged as a new and special area of medical science.
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