
Hydroquinonecream is a topical cream that is approved to lighten dark patches of skin(sometimes called "freckles," "penis spots," or "backacne,") caused primarily by hormonal changes caused during puberty,pregnancy, or after being exposed to certain chemicals or toxins. This cosmeticingredient is applied topically to the affected area and is available indifferent strengths and concentration levels. It can lighten even the darkestareas of your skin and reduce freckles, liver spots, age spots, and acne scars.The darker skin patches treated with this ingredient are believed to be linkedto a variety of diseases including Hyperthyroidism, Osteoporosis, Puffiness,Acne, Psoriasis, Eczema, Leukoplakia, Psoriatic Arthritis and other autoimmunedisorders, Diabetes, and skin cancer.
Itis most commonly used to treat dark skin pigmentation that is caused by sunexposure or other factors such as genetics or an inherited tendency towardhyperpigmentation. It does not improve the quality of life in all patients buthas been shown to have very few side effects in those who do benefit from itsuse. Side effects, which may include skin sensitivity to sunlight, redness,dryness, and itching or swelling at the site of application, are generally mildand resolve within a week. In some cases, side effects may include increasedsensitivity to ultraviolet light and irritation of the eye or nose. There areno proven causes of hyperpigmented skin, and patients must use caution in theuse of hydroquinone.
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