
Market Dynamics
Rising adoption of minimallyinvasive surgical procedures is expected to fuel growth of the Neuro-NavigationSystems Market. Moreover, increasing number of neurological surgeriesperformed worldwide is also expected to drive demand for neuro-navigationmarket. According to the AANS National Neurosurgical Procedural Statistics, in2011, neurosurgeons performed 2,296,331 total procedures, 1,448,400 of whichwere spine surgeries in the U.S. Rise in number of people suffering with braintumor and cancer leading to brain metastasis is expected to propel demand forneuro-navigation systems. According to American Brain Tumor Association, over688,000 people in the U.S. lived with primary brain or central nervous system(CNS) tumor. The data also suggests that around 20-40% of other cancer laterdevelops into brain metastasis. Various technical advancements inneuro-navigation system such as addition of features, higher success rate, andnewer application of the device depending on its usage in various surgicalprocedures indicates shift of neurosurgeons on using these systems morefrequently for performing neuro-surgical procedures. Moreover, ease ofoperation, improved quality of treatment, and improved surgical results is alsoexpected to increase demand for neuro-navigation systems. Additionally,advantages such as reduced hospital stay and improved accuracy inneuro-surgeries are expected to be driving factors for growth of the globalneuro-navigation systems market size. However, high costs associated with thesesystems and lack of skilled workforce to operate these systems are expected torestrain growth of the global market.
Neuro-navigation also known to asframeless stereotactic surgery refers to the technique that involvesperformance of real-time intraoperative guidance during spinal or braininjuries. Neuro-navigation increases safety and accuracy during neurosurgery.Neuro-navigation systems help to guide the surgeon to the surgical targetswithout the need for external frames. These systems are majorly used in brainsurgeries that helps to limit the size of skull opening or craniotomy andremove brain lesions such as tumors or other tissue masses. Neuro-navigationsystems are primarily used for tumor resection in frameless stereotacticprocedure that relies on fiducial markers on the brain that are taped on thescalp before imaging. These systems are also utilized while performing brainbiopsies in case of deep brain tumors, wherein the surgical tumor removalthrough open brain surgery is difficult and life threatening. The mostimportant function of neuro-navigation system is to develop a precise replicaof the patient’s brain tumor, which can be done through a number of imagingtechnology such as X-rays, CT scans, MRIs, and ultra sound. Images obtainedfrom this techniques are then uploaded in the systems to form a 3 dimensionaldata set that produces exact geometrical structure of the region to beoperated. The image is then analyzed to extract relevant information from thedata and by using specialized software and the dataset is rendered as a virtual3D model of the patient brain structure assisting tumor location, which helpsthe surgeon during the surgery and perform tumor removal.
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Key Developments inNeuro-Navigation Systems
In June 2015, Centre HospitalierSainte Anne initiated clinical trial study to investigate the therapeuticefficacy of neuronavigated repetitive Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation (TMS)of right angular gyrus in patients with depersonalization disorder. The studyis estimated to complete in September 2019.
In April 2017, Medtronic Plc.launched StealthStation S8 neurosurgical intraoperative imaging and navigationsystem. The StealthStation S8 includes upgraded software interface, a 2-cartplatform design and electromagnetic technology.
In July 2018, Xoran Technologies,a developer of compact, point-of-care CT scanners, and Fiagon AG MedicalTechnologies, a developer of electromagnetic surgical navigation systems, havecollaborated to strengthen their position in Neuro and Spine markets.
In May 2018, Nexstim, provider ofNavigated TMS, launched its Navigated Brain Therapy transcranial magneticstimulation system in the U.S. The device is designed to treat major depressivedisorder.
In May 2019, MagStim, a developerof transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS) technology, launched StimGuide TMSnavigation system. The device is designed to provide precise and consistentcoil positioning during treatments in depressive disorder.
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Regional Insights
In terms of geographyneuro-navigation systems market is segmented into North America, Europe, AsiaPacific, Middle East, Latin America, and Africa. North America is dominant inthe neuro-navigation systems market, owing to increasing incidence of braintumors as well as rising health awareness in the region. According to theAmerican Cancer Society (ACS), brain and spinal cord tumors affects both adultsand children in the U.S. The ACS suggests that approximately 23,880 malignanttumors for brain and spinal cord are expected to be diagnosed in the U.S. in2018. On the other hand, Asia Pacific is expected to witness maximum tractionin the neuro-navigation market, owing to market players launching theirproducts in the Asian markets due to presence of huge potential user base. Forinstance, in October 2017, Pearl Technology introduced a CT HeadFixneuro-navigation system that offers a comfortable, integrated, fast, andhygienic positioning solution in Asia Pacific and European region post itsapproval from the U.S. FDA.
Competitive Landscape
The market for theneuro-navigation systems is highly competitive with presence of variousestablished players, which includes Medtronic plc, Stryker Corporation, SiemensHealthineers, Zimmer Biomet Holding Inc., Brainlab AG, B. Braun Melsungen AG,Scopis GmBH, Amplitude Surgical, and others. Key players are focusing towardsintroducing novel systems in the market to sustain their position. Forinstance, in April 2017, Medtronic Plc introduced StealthStation S8 model, aneuro-navigation system that enhanced workflows, efficiency, and providescomprehensive data integration assisting the neurosurgeons during brainsurgery.
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