
Nerve Biologic Products Market –Regional Analysis
On the basis of region, theglobal NerveBiologic Products Market is segmented into North America, Latin America,Europe, Asia Pacific, Middle East, and Africa.
Nerve biologic products includeartificial nerve conduit, nerve graft, nerve wraps, or nerve capping devicesused for guiding axonal regrowth to facilitate nerve regeneration. Thesedevices are majorly used in clinical treatments for nerve injuries. Nervebiologic products are commonly used for complex suturing, for instance suturingof two ends of a separated nerve that needs rigid process. The scaffoldmaterial used for generating nerve biologic products is either from syntheticor biological origin. The nerve biologic products are manufactured from variousbiocompatible products such as polysialic acid (PSA), collagen type I/III,spider silk fiber, silkworm silk fibroin, chitosan, aragonite, and alginate.
Nerve Biologic Products MarketDrivers
Advancements in research anddevelopment for developing innovative technology for nerve biologic productsare expected to drive growth of the nerve biologic product market. Forinstance, in February 2015, researchers from the University of Sheffielddeveloped a device, 3D-printed nerve guidance conduit (NGC). NGC is a networkof miniature tubes, which guide injured nerve ends towards each other, therebyenabling them to repair naturally. The device uses computer-aided design (CAD),which can be modified for any type of nerve damage or even adapted for jointspecific nerves of patient.
Furthermore, in June 2016,Polyganics, a medical device manufacturing company, received the CE mark forNeurocap, its nerve capping device. Neurocap is an absorbable implant fortreatment and reduction of symptomatic neuroma in peripheral nerves. The devicewas cleared for sales in the U.S. in January 2016.
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Moreover, U.S. Food and DrugAdministration’s (USFDA) clearances for nerve biologic products is projected toincrease growth of the market. For instance, in June 2014, Collagen Matrix Inc.received USFDA clearance for its Flexible Collagen Nerve Conduit. FlexibleCollagen Nerve Conduit is a resorbable and flexible type I collagen tubularmatrix that offers encasement for peripheral nerve injuries as well as shieldingof the neural environment.
Furthermore, in May 2015, AxoGen,Inc. received USFDA clearance to proceed for Investigational New Drug (IND)application for Avance Nerve Graft. The product is commercially available whileit is transitioned to a biologic product due to USFDA’s enforcement discretiongrant. It has porcine submucosa extracellular matrix used to wrap and protectinjured peripheral nerves and strengthen the nerve reconstruction while preventingsoft tissue attachments.
Nerve Biologic Products MarketRestraint
Product recall by the USFDA dueto contaminations and sterility issues is expected to restrain growth of thenerve biologic products market. For instance, in June 2015, USFDA recalledNeuraWrap Nerve Protector and Dural Graft Matrix, manufactured by IntegraLifeSciences, due to process deviation in manufacturing, and higher levels ofpyrogens than acceptable by the specifications for the products. NeuraWrapNerve Protector was specified for management of peripheral nerve injuries whileDural Graft Matrix was an absorbable implant for repair of dural defects.
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Based on region, North America isexpected to hold lead position in the global nerve biologic products marketduring the forecast period, owing to rising number of peripheral nerve injuriesin the U.S. For instance, according to Proceedings of the National Academy ofSciences of the U.S. study in June 2017, over 250,000 people from the U.S.suffers from peripheral nerve injury annually.
Asia Pacific and Europe region isalso expected to observe significant growth in the nerve biologic products market.This is attributed to rising awareness of central nervous system disorders andtherapeutic treatments through organized conferences. For instance, proceedingto 6th International Conference on Central Nervous System (CNS) Disorder andTherapeutics which is to be held in Paris in November 2018, 7th InternationalConference on Central Nervous System (CNS) Disorder and Therapeutics is to beheld in Japan in June 2019. These conferences mainly discusses on topics suchas diseases and disorders of the CNS, neuroimmunological disorders,neurometabolic disorders, brain tumors, and neurosurgery.
Key players operating in theglobal nerve biologic products market include, Stryker, AxoGen, Inc., IntegraLifeSciences, Collagen Matrix, Inc., Polyganics, Checkpoint Surgical Inc., andTEXAS PHARMACUETICAL PVT LTD.
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