
The hassle of booking meeting rooms can be changed with the help of meeting room software that efficiently handles the entire booking process. Rendezvous is the leader in offering the best meeting room booking system that creates an agile working environment. Rendezvous is a complete package that handles all the meeting arrangements, arranges A/V equipment and refreshments, manages third-party vendors and visitors efficiently with the unified meeting room booking software. The entire process is made simple so that you need not worry about managing the background work of the meeting but just focus on the meeting. You can contact the attendees and make changes regarding the meeting without having to inform each attendee personally.
Rendezvous’s integration with the Outlook exchange or office 365 calendar simplifies the booking process. The integration with the meeting room booking software gives an added advantage to the system as it boosts up and streamlines the entire process. The integration is set to create a more comprehensive perspective for your working system and reduce manual work. If you are using Outlook from earlier, integrating with Rendezvous can make your work easier by managing your existing calendar. Moreover, you can schedule meetings and inform the colleagues from the Outlook calendar, making it a lot easier.
Have you had difficulties in informing the attendees about the time change? Then that can be resolved with the best meeting room booking system integrated with the Outlook calendar, which provides you with an option to drag and drop the necessary meeting date in the calendar. The revised date will be instantly notified to all the attendees saving time and money. With the Outlook integration with the meeting room software, your entire office is constantly updated regarding the schedules and meetings. The attendees and colleagues are immediately informed about the cancellation and ghost meetings. Request a demo today!