
Breastcancer is the most common form of cancer found in women. It is also thedeadliest. A woman can develop Breast Cancer at any age. However, it is morecommon among younger women who have been experiencing menopause, because of thehormonal changes that occur with this change. Breast cancer is an uncontrolledincrease of malignant breast cells. The word breast cancer refers to either amalignant tumor that has developed in the breast ducts or ductal carcinoma insitu, which a cancerous growth is found in an area where it was not supposed tobe, such as the breast duct. Usually, breast cancer either starts in themilk-producing glands of the breast, which are called the mammary gland, or inthe ducts, which are also called the lymph nodes.
Breastcancer can occur in women of any age. However, statistically younger women havea higher risk of contracting the disease than women in their late 20s or early30s. The breast cells that proliferate and eventually form tumors are similarin composition to those cells that form ducts and other tissues in the body, sobreast cancer has similar symptoms to those of other types of tissue cancer.
Mammogramsare the most widely used breast cancerdiagnostic testing used today.Screening mammograms can be extremely helpful for women that: have extremelydense breast tissue, cannot have an MRI, and are considered at high risk fordeveloping breast cancer. Due to the extreme density of breast tissue, manydoctors feel that mammograms are able to detect tumors that would otherwise bemissed on an MRI. However, women that have dense breast tissue should not besubjected to x-ray radiation (because of possible risks to bone marrow) andshould not be subjected to mammograms unless there is a necessity.
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