
We've all grown up hearing cliches about finishing ourspinach and broccoli, and although they are overgeneralized, there is truth inthem. As many Americans strive to eat healthier, taking a look at Asian groceries and recipes can help.For example, Chinese families eat a more plant-based diet with less meat, andthe incidence of many significant diseases is lower because of it. In additionto eating more plant foods, it's essential to eat a variety of them to gain thehealth benefits each one offers. If you dwell only on spinach or broccoli,you're missing many other healthy vegetables, grains, and fruits.
When you're looking for healthy vegetables, for example,keep in mind some vitamin-packed choices that are favorites in China -- bokchoy, kale, sweet potatoes, bean sprouts, spinach, and eggplant, to name a few.As often as you can, incorporate more vegetables and fruits into your diet.Chinese stir-fries are an excellent way to do it because they are based on acombination of veggies in most cases. At breakfast, add bananas slices orberries to the top of your cereal or yogurt; when you're making a sandwich,layer in the greens. Dark leafy greens like spinach and watercress are excellentchoices. Order other sandwiches with extra vegetables.
Some other Chinese favorites – bean sprouts, shreddedcabbage, slices of red pepper – can be added to sandwiches and rolled intowraps. Also, don't forget peas, tomatoes, onion, celery, carrots, peppers,mushrooms, zucchini, and others. Each veggie has a unique nutritional profilethat contributes to good health; variety is essential, and overeating a singlevegetable is not as healthy as eating different ones. It's also easy to changethe proportions in favor of vegetables (and reduce meat) in many of yourfavorite recipes. Begin experimenting this week and see how you can find newways to make healthier entrees.
While it might seem obvious, it's worth mentioning that youcan switch to fruit for dessert. Fruit is the unofficial treat in China and iseaten in place of sugary baked foods that Americans eat more often. It's lowerin calories and richer in vitamins and fiber that are beneficial to health.You'll feel lighter and more refreshed after eating when you cut down on heavy,fat-laden items like many types of meat and desserts. It's a lifestyle changethat's wise to make, and for inspiration, you need to look no farther thanfavorites foods from the Chinese diet. When you're healthier and have moreenergy, your quality of life improves.