
LaserCladding, also known as Metal Cladding, is a technique for applying metal ontometal surfaces to avoid welding or bolting the parts together. It's a fairlysimple process: Laser Cladding involves passing an electric current through themetal component, heating it, and melting the part, which in turn fuses with theother metallic component. In practice, this means that the components don't gethot in their layer - but rather only get hot when they come into contact withone another. The process involves moving the narrow beam of the laser over themetal surface to generate a cladding layer on the surface of the other part andthen moving the metal retractable cord along the surface to create a secondcladding layer on the exposed part.
Thetwo major types of lasercladding materials used are metal cladding (also called metal oxide)and thermoset plastic. In Metal Cladding, a thin layer of metal foil is used.On Thermoset plastic, a thermo-styrene injection is used. Both have foundwidespread success in the applications to which they are put.
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