Injection Pen Market Size, Share, Outlook, and Opportunity Analysis, 2018– 2026
Injection Pen Market Size, Share, Outlook, and Opportunity Analysis, 2018– 2026
Injection Pen Market Report- 2020 Analyses competitive environment such as key players, future trends, growths, challenges and acquisitions in the market.

Injection Pen Market – RegionalAnalysis

On the basis of region, theglobal InjectionPen Market is segmented into North America, Latin America, Europe, AsiaPacific, Middle East, and Africa. North America holds dominant position in theglobal injection pen market, owing to increasing product advancements by thekey players in the region, whereas Asia Pacific is expected to be the fastestgrowing market over the forecast period due to increasing population size andincreasing development of healthcare amenities.

Injection pen has typically beenused for frequent self-administration of preserved multi-dose drug formulationsrequiring weight-based dosing. It is available in two variants; reusable anddisposable injection pens. Injection pens are ready to administer, as a prefilledmedical device ease the delivery of drug or biostimulant for patients, caregivers, and healthcare provider. Recent developments in injection pen devicessuch as the use of needle safety devices, automated needle insertion andinjection, smaller dosing capabilities, and electronics is expected to drivethe market in addition to the prevalence of the chronic disease. Furthermore,easy reimbursement and increasing FDA approval will strengthen injection penmarket, whereas preference for alternative drug delivery modes and poorreimbursement scenarios in emerging economies will hinder growth of injectionpen market.

Injection Pen Market Drivers

Improving the convenience andease of administration of parenteral therapeutics has become a common strategyadopted by biotechnology and pharmaceutical industries and is expected to drivegrowth of injection pen market. Key players aim to introduce novel drugdelivery system by targeting end-user flexibility such as fewer handling steps,higher volumes, thinner needles, high viscous formulations, and novel primarycontainers to accommodate changing injection pen market trends.

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For instance, in 2015, AntaresPharma launched Makena subcutaneous auto injector in collaboration with AMAGPharmaceuticals. This collaboration clubs hydroxyprogesterone caproateinjection of Antares Pharma that is used to reduce the risk of preterm birth inwomen pregnant with a single baby who has a history of singleton spontaneouspreterm birth, with QuickShot auto-injector of AMAG Pharmaceuticals to allowrapid subcutaneous self-administration of highly viscous drugs in oil such astestosterone or progesterone and biologics using high spring pressure through afine gauge needle.

The prevalence of chronicdiseases is increasing due to rapid aging of the population and the greaterlongevity of people with chronic conditions such as diabetes, multiplesclerosis (MS), rheumatoid arthritis (RA), hepatitis, osteoporosis, hemophilia,reproductive health, anemia, hemolytic disease, and anti-thrombolytic therapy.Injection pen market was predominant in diabetes therapy and growth hormonetherapy for the past 20 years and 10 years respectively due to diseaseprevalence. According to the American Diabetes Association, in 2015, 9.4 % ofthe people in the U.S. suffered from diabetes while 1.5 million people werediagnosed with diabetes every year. This suggests predominance of injection penmarket for diabetes therapy. Moreover, recent advancements widens applicationof injection pen for reproductive health, osteoporosis, and hepatitis.

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Furthermore, manufacturers ofinjection pens are focusing on device advancements or company pipeline to meetthe requirements of next-generation molecules and anticipated end-user needs.For instance, Biocorp launched Datapen and Easylog, two internet connecteddevices in 2015. Additional features of Datapen and Easylog device includesdose setup setting, Oled display, audio as well as visual signals to guidepatients, and real time transfer of treatment information to storage platformand mobile app. Furthermore, increasing pipeline product will lead to expansionof therapeutic options for medical practitioners as well as for patients,thereby propelling growth of injection pen market.

Injection Pen Market – CompetitorAnalysis

The injection pen market ismainly led by 3 companies: Novo Nordisk, Sanofi, and ELI Lilly and Company.Other major players in the injection pen market include Merck & co., Inc.,Ypsomed holding AG, Biocorp Production SA, AstraZeneca PLC, F.Hoffman-La RocheLtd, Becton, Dickinson and Company (BD), Owen Mumford Ltd, Novartis, Pfizer,and Wilhelm Haselmeier GmbH & Co. KG.

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