
Medication is usually the only remedy for several disorders. Opting for allopathic medications is the most obvious choice because they have the best efficacy. Nevertheless, they often cause some unwanted effects on the body.
Choosing ayurvedic medications as prescribed by Aayush Doctors can be the best alternative and are being widely accepted as a great way of relieving some of the most acute and progressive ailments.
Below are some reasons why consulting ayurvedic Aayush Doctors can be beneficial.
1- Ayurvedic medicines work on some of the most deeply rooted diseases
One of the greatest things about Ayurveda, the millennia-old science of medicines original to India, is that it does work progressively and effectively.
The honed science of prominently herbal medicines has been enriched by successive masters of the art.
Even though herbal medicines take longer than their modern, chemical-based counterparts to show effect, they work eventually and certainly.
Some of the most long-seated disorders that do not show improvement to allopathic medicines do respond to Ayurveda.
We strongly advise you to consult an Aayush Bharat doctor.
2- Ayurvedic medicines avoid drastic medical procedures
One of the biggest fears of all is that if medicaments do not work for a particular ailment, then more intensive and undesirable medical procedures would be the only option.
Often, allopathic doctors find it difficult to find the right drug efficacy. Besides, diseases that do not respond to certain medications need to go through a series of successive medicines to get a positive sign.
Increasing drug tolerance is also highly common amongst some individuals; hence, increased dosages are required for a consistent prognosis.
With consultation from Ayurvedic Aayush Doctors, it is possible to find the right herb that will work wonders and show good results for sure.
3- Herbal medicines work on building bodily tolerance from within
Western medicines show wonderful results in no time. One of the reasons behind this phenomenon is that they work on the diseases and help the body in ridding them.
Ayurvedic Aayush Bharat medicines, on the other hand, are known to work on a completely different mechanism.
Herbal medicines work on making the body resistant to the disease or disorder and help someone recuperate from within. One can not only recover from a particular disease but also get the effects reversed. The long-term prognosis of Ayurvedic medicines explains this well.
4- Ayurvedic medicines do not have interference with other drugs
Seeking consultation from an MBBS or MD means you have to run a series of tests and diagnoses. Many a time, medical history and possibilities of contraindication are keenly checked.
Oft-times doctors have to reconsider prescriptions as one may have unwanted side effects with them. Change in blood pressure, skin reactions etc are some common problems faced due to medicinal contraindication.
Consulting Aayush Doctors with BAMS degrees means you do not have to worry about any unwanted side effects with the prescription. Ayurvedic medicines do not have any unwanted effects or interferences with other drugs.
Nevertheless, we strongly recommend you discuss your medical history and use of any other drug with an Aayush Bharat doctor.
Ayurvedic medicines may have a slow prognosis; however, they work effectively and give good results; they do not have interference with other drugs or side effects and make someone build immunity against the disease.
Aayush Bharat - is the most popular platform where you can consult ayurvedic doctors and get a free first-time online ayurvedic consultation.