
Thereare so many options for gin cocktails but there's something about an India Ginshake that gets me going. India Gin martinis are one of the easiest drinks tocreate. A good gin should be easy to drink; something with abit of weight to it, like Negril or some other dry vermouth, should be easy tosip and not too acidic to be a problem
Ginis a distilled spirit produced in many countries around the world, but India iswhere it originated. There are many myths and misconceptions about this drinkthat have been created by the people that want to introduce it to people intheir country. This article will discuss some of the facts about the IndiaGin market.
Inmany places in the world, Gin is associated with alcohol, but the truth is thatit is made from the root of the Rama (Bitter Melon) plant. India is one of thelargest exporters of the Gin plant and the history of Gin in India can betraced back to the 19th century when British Colonizers decided to make theirown Distillation factories in India. Many years ago the gin was firstconsidered as a simple drink that could only be enjoyed by British Indians. Butslowly, Gin gained popularity among all other sections of the society andslowly it moved up the ranks and became a favorite for all.
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