
Recombinant DNA technology is a technique of transforming geneticmaterial within an organism either to acquire desired and improvedcharacteristics in a living organism or as their product. This technique involvesthe addition of DNA molecules from various sources, with a desired DNA sequencevia appropriate vectors. These DNA strands are then inserted into cells of thetarget organism with the help of special enzymes. These cells are called'plates' and in the case of complex biological processes like manufacturing ofvaccines or enzymes, the exact replicated template is used to introduce the DNAmaterial into the target cell. Hence, the procedure is termed as RecombinantDNA Technology.
RecombinantDNA technology has madegreat advancement in the field of medicine. It has made possible the productionof specific types of medicines within a short time with high quality. The mostimportant feature of this therapy is that it can be made according to therequirement of the patient. There are several advantages of this therapy. Ithelps to cure many serious diseases and thus has provided tremendous relief topatients suffering from AIDS, cancer etc. These DNA therapies can also be usedto replace the defective genes in humans with a healthy one. Thus, it can alsohelp to increase the number of immune system cells and hence provide protectionagainst different infectious agents. This therapy is very helpful to fightagainst cancer.
Recombinant DNA technology is also used for research purposes. These DNAtherapies are used for producing personalized medicine, which can be used forvarious medical problems. This personalized medicine can be produced byreplacing faulty genes with healthy ones.
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