Importance Of Learning Intentions
Importance Of Learning Intentions
Growth Mindset expert. Melbourne. Speaker. Habits of Mind. Learning Agility. Learner Agency. Mindset Continuum. Education. Professional Learning. Online Speaker.

Importance Of Learning Intentions

Growth Mindset expert. Melbourne. Speaker. Habits of Mind. Learning Agility. Learner Agency. Mindset Continuum. Education. Professional Learning. Online Speaker.

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James Anderson is an Australian-based international speaker, author and educator who is passionate about helping fellow educators develop students as better learners.

Originally a teacher and school leader, for the past 20 years, James has been working with schools to make classrooms more thoughtful places. He challenges teachers to think deeply about their own Mindsets and how their beliefs are communicated to students in often subtle and unintended ways.

James’s work combines Growth Mindset with Habits of Mind and Practice to create Learning Agility. He puts the growth back into Growth Mindset! And, through creating and describing the Mindset Continuum, he provides the cornerstone for effective Growth Mindset interventions.

James values the relationships he builds with the schools and teachers he works with, providing the “follow-through” that’s so often lacking in teacher professional development. His speaking, workshops and online resources provide not only the deep understandings required to do this work meaningfully, but also the tools and ongoing support needed to sustain it in your school and make a real difference to student learning outcomes.

James will show you how to create your school-based Growth Mindset Style Guide to ensure your school consistently “nudges” all students towards an increasingly growth-oriented Mindset.