
People in metropolitan cities are very concerned about rising water bills and energy bills. It creates a major impact on the current financial breakdown. Huge air handlers and centralised plants need extra costs for their operation with sophisticated control methods. It needs the staff teams to maintain and operate it properly with superior dedication and energy management.
The HVAC system in healthcare sectors has steam, chiller plants, air distribution, and hot water plants as well. It accounts for maximum use of natural gas (nearly 57%) and the rest is up to the electricity. Chiller plants also need a substantial amount of water to smooth running as well.
Hence, HVAC Optimisation Services are meant for using less input with the generation of more output. We find a way apart from conventional thinking and stick to system efficiency without any loss of energy.
The optimisation involves greater savings of energy with superior heating-cooling capacity. It is beyond traditional static solutions or recommissioning of certain rules. It is rather the PID level control to operate without any data loss.
Typical projects include the revenue with utmost savings. Apart from its automatic working phenomenon, HVAC systems have fault detection and monitoring of spent energy. These all would improve the working efficiency without stressing its headcount.
Compelling Cases:
Some healthcare facilities have many challenges that include the need for HVAC optimisation. Some great motivation points include:
Energy Cost: Optimisation will benefit the system and control the electricity rates.
The more the industry pays for the facilities, the more benefit it will get. It will generate huge growth in the energy industry and commission some savings & discounts from the bills.
The optimisation may nullify the variables via shifting of power use whenever needed. Additionally, all the equipment should run at full load to consume less energy.
Mandatory Sustainability: Energy Management Companies follow the mandate for meeting carbon footprint or sustainability goals. It is a great step forward for saving energy.
It lays easy payoffs for the accumulated energy. Some necessary additions of lighting and retrofitting would also serve the goals.
HVAC optimisation is no less than a wonder whenever we look to carry the sustainability goals ahead. But it needs higher initial cost and complexity as well.
Mixing of new & old equipment: HVAC systems for Energy Management Companies in Dubai is all about mixing of equipment even of different brands. With a trial & error combination, we may not decide the right combination for now. But certain optimisations are necessary to have greater control sequences and higher efficiencies with full awareness.
Requirements for Optimisation: Projects follow some basic guidelines to reduce water and HVAC energy usage. For delivering reliable and consistent savings, we should consider the following approaches.
- Measurement: Tracking of both input-output data is essential before proceeding with optimisation. Varying of the input will create an impact on the output as well. We may follow it via the graph or bar diagram. Without such accurate activities in measurement, we cannot acquire information about the system\'s performance. If we cannot track it properly, there is no use for optimisation as well.
- System-Level Compatibility: It is a key measure to have advanced HVAC optimisation as it will safeguard the system functionalities from unwanted uses and side effects. Reduction of output without knowing the whole impact on the system may disturb the whole principle. It may turn into a lethal result if we do not take care of the system compatibility of output changes.
- Automatic Control: The true & optimised system needs an automatic and continuous controller. The advisory/alarming system processes the fault detection methods for getting some recommendations about energy savings. But indeed, we may go ahead with dynamic control as it may proceed with maximum savings.
It is often very challenging with automatic control as it requires testing & programming, integration, and collaboration of control teams.
Working of HVAC Systems: Highly utilised and larger systems have more scope of centralising and optimising. The large equipment may do proper saving if you maintain them with dedicated staff members.
Owners should give priority to space and building size, utility cost, and electricity rates.
Facilities would be in their prime form for the association of such optimised services:
- Higher use of energy will affect the entire system in Dubai.
- 24/7 operations are the added plus point for hospitals and corporate sectors.
- New systems hardly require any optimisation. Hence, do not put any major investment in these systems.
- Modify the middle-aged system with the facilities mentioned above.
All the guidelines will be as per govt. protocol and it should obey the operational standpoints & restrictions as well.
Get useful information from healthcare centres, hospitals, colleges, and organisations to understand the energy wastes and modify these things with leading facilities like HVAC optimisation.
Greater analysing and monitoring may do some wonders for the upcoming usage of energy.