
Letgo Clone app:
Apps like Letgo focus on connecting both the buyers and sellers on digital platforms. Letgo is a mobile application where the users can sell their products through the app to other users. The interested buyers can contact the sellers to buy the products. The transactions take place in the app, with part of the amount being deducted as transaction charges. Here are the features of the Letgo clone app to enhance your business.
A perfect revenue model:
The buyers and sellers will pay a specific amount to the mobile application for creating a forum to conduct their transactions. The app will deduct the amount during each transaction of the users. Providing an option like Premium will be an added-on where people pay for their premium features.
Order tracking and product management:
The orders are displayed with accuracy leaving no room for chaos. The orders are segregated into received orders, processed orders, and tracking orders, making it easy for taking things into control. The owners of the app can view it to manage things effectively.
Display of images:
The images are displayed with utmost clarity for the buyers to look at the products before they buy.
Browse your products:
The users can browse their products from the search option. This support is done by robust backend assisting.
Summing up,
People are talking about apps like Letgo because of its online marketplace that connects buyers and sellers. So developing your Letgo clone app will deliver you a fruitful result. Approach Appdupe to get your Letgo clone app with your customized ideas.