
When you have been convicted on charges relating to controlledsubstances, you need a good drug crime lawyer by your side. A lawyer who isstrongly committed to the case will get charges dropped, penalties reduced oreven get you off scot-free. In any case, you’re always better off getting intoa legal battle with someone who knows the ropes.
You wouldn't try to wage a battle without weapons, and you shouldn't tryto defend yourself against the prosecution without someone knowledgeable andexperienced by your side. It's reckless to do so and every year, about twomillion people are convicted each year on drug-related charges.
Distribution, intent to sell, manufacture, possession, and traffickingare just a few of these charges, and any of them could land you in jail for along time. Even if a prison sentence isn't in your future, the stigma ofconviction can follow you and make life a lot tougher, especially when it comesto job prospects. There may be no evading conviction, but you can bet that acompetent lawyer will do everything in their power to get you as reduced asentence as possible.
If you're planning to defend yourself against charges, you should knowthat a good drug crime attorney could drastically alter the outcome. Based onwhere you live, the circumstances surrounding your case, and your legalhistory, you may very well escape prison time.
Many jurisdictions in Texas, such as Tarrant County, have adoptedpolicies that would encourage judges to help the defendant avoid prison timeand instead get them into a rehab facility rather than trying to punish them.
If you head into acriminal case with an inexperienced drug crime lawyerwith anincomplete understanding of the alternatives, you may not get theleniency given by the law. Millions of people "slip through gaps"every year and serve far longer sentences than they deserve due to lack ofqualified representation. Don't let yourself become a statistic.
You should consult an experienced drug crime lawyer before speaking toanyone else, including the police. As they say, anything you say can and willbe used against you in court. Don't give them the ammunition, even if you areentirely innocent and want to get your story out there.
Talk to a good drug crime lawyer and follow their advice. Forexperienced representation, contact the law offices of Cole Paschall Law. Weare experienced drug crime lawyers located in Fort Worth, TX with over 25 yearsof drug crime experience and many developed relationships with prosecutors andjudges in Tarrant County. Call us today at 817-477-4100 or visit us today for more information!