
Bio-identicalhormones are estrogens and progesterone that are similar to those producednaturally. They are produced in small quantities, as opposed to the largeamounts that are produced naturally. Bio-identical estrogens and progesteronedo not have the same molecular structure as the hormones that the body makes. Bio-identicalhormones can be used in hormone therapy to relieve the symptoms of menopause,such as hot flashes.
Themolecular mimics have been linked with breast cancer. A number of chemicalscommonly used as additives in cosmetics, including parabens, phthalates andnitrasamines, have been linked with reproductive cancers. Researchers at theNational Cancer Institute have found that exposure to an estimated 90 to 95% ofthese manmade chemicals could cause some form of cancer. In addition, a numberof bio-identical hormones that are marketed to men have similar structures tocancer drugs, which may increase the risk for exposure.
Whenlooking at bio-identicalhormones from a pharmaceutical perspective, it is important tounderstand the difference between these and their natural counterparts. Likeother hormones, they are generally derived from plant estrogens and naturalprogesterone. Some companies have bred certain plants to produce bio-identicalestrogens and hormones. However, these products are generally not approved forthis purpose. They are often used in conjunction with a hormone that has beencreated through laboratory studies.
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