
People everywhere trying to eat healthier choose tofu forits nutritional benefits – it's a plant-based food packed with protein.However, the texture and flavor can be questionable unless it's prepared well.It's why a recipe like crispy tofu bites that overcome those drawbacks becomesan instant hit. When you're shopping for online Japanese groceries, add theneeded ingredients to your shopping cart so you can make this healthy and tastysnack at home. As long as you follow the optimal cooking technique, you'll havetofu bites that are crispy on the outside and tender on the inside.
A savory-sweet dipping sauce completes the recipe and makesthe bites extra delicious. When you're searching for recipes online, look forones with detailed instructions for making them better. It's always essentialto dry the tofu at the beginning. To do it, you drain, salt, and pat it drywith paper towels. Deep frying the tofu at a very high temperature to make itextra crispy also is essential. You'll want to glaze it with your homemadesauce the minute it comes out of the pan and is piping hot. It will absorb thesauce flavors better. Ideal sauce ingredients include ginger, garlic, and blackpepper.
Everyone who shops for healthy groceries knows tofu comes ina range of sizes, shapes, and textures. When you're making a recipe like tofubites, you want one that crisps up nicely. Therefore, a medium-firm is the bestoption. Check the product labels for a description of the firmness. For snackrecipes like this one, you need to cut the tofu into small cubes, and anythingless than medium-firm will make it difficult. Once it's cut into cubes, youwant to coat the outside with salt to draw out the moisture. While the tofu isdrying, make your sweet, savory sauce using soy sauce with garlic, blackpepper, and ginger.
When you're ready to fry the tofu bites, heat about twoinches of cooking oil to a temperature of 360 degrees F – use a heavy pot thatconducts heat well. Go through the extra step of patting the cubes dry with apaper towel before carefully dropping them into the oil. Don't splash, so youavoid burns. The frying time is five to six minutes, and you want to keep goinguntil the bites are browned and no longer sticking to the bottom of the pot.Have the sauce ready in a bowl so you can pour them in and coat with sauce assoon as the frying is complete. It's a nice finishing touch to sprinkle sesameseeds on top.