
The data protection officer (DPO) is the contact person for the data subjects and supervisory authorities who play their role as required by the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) under Article 39. A DPO is an obligatory role for the companies that collect or process EU citizens' personal data, under Article 37 of the GDPR.
Gilbert Pardla - Is Your Personal Data Threatended?
As everything has now become digital we fear getting our personal or business-related data hacked or threatened in the hands of some other competitive company or a rival. In such a case, we need a professional data protection officer like Gilbert Pardla who assures us of the safety of our data. Their work as specialists keeps you worry-free about getting your data in the wrong hands.
They are responsible for the supervision and implementation of the data protection strategies as laid by the company.
In this respect Gilbert Pardla provides you with services as follows:
- Trains the company’s employees who are involved in the data processing
- Prepares the necessary internal documents
- Advises on the implementation of processes
- Assists the company in concluding agreements regarding the processing of personal data with cooperation partners
- Advises the client’s IT and information security team on data protection law issues, etc.
- Monitoring performance and providing advice on the impact of data protection efforts
- Conducting audits to ensure compliance and address potential issues proactively
- Serving as the point of contact between the company and the GDPR Supervisory Authorities