
Lightsabers are essentially a beam of light focused through a crystal that gives the beam mass and helps to cut through solid objects..
Buy a lightsaber from SABNEO V8 PIXEL. The Sabres are made for battle, it’s the first choice for engineers to have a realistic rendering.
The SABNEO metal lightsaber has blades, professional sounds and spectacular blade features. The lightsaber requires such a level of training to use. To be able to slice through both people and blast doors alike with ease require specification.
The lightsaber is one of the most iconic weapons in the Star Wars universe. It is typically used by the Jedi, the sith, and other Force-sensitive individuals. The weapon itself consists of a metal hilt with a laser beam that is powered by a crystal
If you dream of duelling against the toughest foes, SABINO will make the lightsaber for you. Every one of their lightsabers is masterfully crafted to make them the absolute most durable on the market. The time and care of making a single lightsaber do mean that these sabres are more expensive than others on this list.
What do most people think of lightsabers? They think about the duels. The sound of the laser blade powering on, the hum of power as it lies in wait, and the clashing sound of two lightsabers duelling against each other. This is what SABNEO built lightsaber was built for, to give everyone the cinematic feeling of being right there in the Star Wars universe.
SABINO is not a very old company but has already hit the ground running with its smart sabre technology. This lightsaber can connect via Bluetooth to your phone with its purpose-built app. Through the app, you have a tonne of customisation options including the blade colour, lighting effects, motion effects and sound. It is a budget-friendly lightsaber, the company offers a selection of eight hilt styles. Each hilt style comes in a variety of finishes, from aluminium to blacked-out.
Also, if you have several people who want to try out the lightsaber, the SABINO app can save multiple user's profiles, so that everyone gets to customise it just for them.