Essential mobile app testing stages
Essential mobile app testing stages
Agile methods and CI/CD added a tendency to fast and frequent delivery of a code. The average duration of each sprint is ten days. Engineers have to write test cases for parts of code or particular functions to test them at the end of each sprint.

One of the ways to improve the development process is software testing.

The robust testing strategy facilitates an arduous development process and increases the chances to stand out among thousands of applications in stores. 

The strategy depends on the type, size, and goals of a project.

Some companies choose mobile automation testing to speed up processes and increase performance. Such an approach requires a higher budget and more qualified staff. 

But there are common stages of mobile app testing. They can help developers teams to create usability apps easily.

Let’s consider them. 

Documentation and planning

Mobile app strategy should begin by determining the scope and main goals of testing. At this stage, teams create documents that contain the main statements and points of the testing process. Proper documentation is key to a robust and streamlined process that increases performance.

Functional testing

Functional testing ensures that all main app functions and features are workable and give correct responses. The type of app, its business goals, and target audience determine the main functions. If it's a social app, the main functions will be adding photos, sending messages, sharing posts, etc.

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