Erectile dysfunction - Symptoms and causes
Erectile dysfunction - Symptoms and causes
Lifestyle and psychological disorders - If a person has any kind of emotional disorder, then his sexual excitement is affected. Depression and anxiety are problems that increase the risk of impotence.

These are the five biggest reasons for impotence in men

Experts believe that about 50 percent of men between the ages of 40 and 70 years face some problem of erectile dysfunction. Impotence means that men have problems related to erection and ejaculation due to impotence. It is also considered to be a type of erectile dysfunction. There can be many reasons for impotence. It can also be due to psychological reasons and also due to physical reasons. 

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The risk of impotence also increases with increasing age. In these cases, it has often been seen that the number of educated people is very less in the people suffering from impotence. This is due to their healthy eating and lifestyle. Impotence often leads to stress, depression, and weak confidence problems in people. Let us look at the reasons why people fall victim to this problem.

Endocrine diseases - the body's endocrine system secretes a variety of hormones that have an effect on sexual functions, fertility and mental state. The biggest example of endocrine diseases is diabetes, which can also lead to impotence problems. The secretion of hormones is badly affected due to diabetes.


Neurological and neurological disorders - many types of problems associated with the nervous system also cause impotence. Problems related to nerves have a bad effect on fertility. For this reason, men have an erection problem. Impotence can also occur due to damage to the nerves in men who undergo prostate gland surgery.

Use of drugs - The use of many types of drugs also makes people a victim of erectile dysfunction, so be aware of the use of drugs. If you are taking any kind of medicine, you should not discontinue them unless the doctor asks you to do so, even if you know that it may be the cause of impotence.

Heart problems - If you have heart problems and your heart is not able to pump blood properly, then impotence can make you a victim.