5 Sure-fire Ways To Improve Customer Service for Your Etsy Shop


People shop at Etsy for two important reasons: one, to find unique, handmade or vintage items you can’t find anywhere else; and two, to support small businesses and artisans. Because of this dynamic, it’s especially important to focus on creating a positive buying experience for your customers. Good communication is the number one way to ensure they walk away happy and recommend your shop to their friends. You can do this by creating an accurate listing, sending your customers personalized emails and business thank you cards, and graciously handling any complaints. 

 1. Create a Killer Listing 

Good customer service begins before the actual sale. To represent your products and your business well and protect yourself against future complaints:

Make sure your photos are top-quality. Your products should be lit properly, shot from several angles, and displayed artfully. Take a look at similar products sold by your competitors. Your listing needs to be as good or better than theirs.

Take time and care to describe your product thoroughly — don’t leave your customers wondering about anything. Include accurate measurements of the item, color references, care instructions, and shipping information.

Choose your words carefully. This is where you can establish the tone and personality of your business. See that your information is easy to understand and is presented in a friendly, welcoming manner. Encourage questions and communication upfront.

 2. Send Your First Email After the Sale

Now that the customer has made his or her purchase, it’s time to thank them for choosing your shop out of all the other options out there. Let them know what to expect regarding production and shipping times and that you’ll be back in touch once their order goes out in the mail. Invite them to ask any questions they have now and to let you know if they have any special requests. You can create a template for this email and then personalize it for each sale. 

 3. Send Your Second Email When the Order Ships

Etsy sends emails to your customers for purchase and shipping confirmation, but going the extra mile to send your own emails will set your business apart from the competition. Once the package is on its way, let your customer know you’re excited for them to receive their order and invite them once again to reach out with any questions or feedback once it arrives.

 4. Include Business Thank You Cards

Enclosing a handwritten thank you card inside the package lets your customer know you truly appreciate their business. Choose a design for your card that complements the product or order custom-designed cards that include your business logo and color scheme. Use the customer’s name inside the card and sign it with your own name along with your business name. Encourage them to leave feedback and a star rating for your shop when Etsy sends their follow-up email. 

 5. Handle Complaints Graciously

There will be times you’ll receive complaints even though you’ve done all you could to make the customer happy. Excellent customer service demands a helpful, polite response to each complaint. If there have been any errors on your part, admit them, apologize, and offer a refund or replacement even if the customer doesn’t ask for one. If there is no fault on your end, acknowledge the customer’s frustration and ask how you can make it right by them. In most cases, a satisfied customer is worth more to your business than the revenue from one individual sale. 

 How you handle customer service is as important as the quality of the products you sell when it comes to your success at Etsy. Good communication and thoughtful touches like personalized emails and business thank you cards let your customers know you value them and care about their experience shopping with you. For beautiful pre-printed or custom-designed thank you cards, visit Cards For Causes to choose one that best represents your business.