
Let us answer this question immediately – no, rhinoplasty does not affect breathing.
We understand where the question comes from – the nose job is very popular, but tampering with the nose is seen to impact breathing. However, if you choose an excellent surgeon with high-quality infrastructure, your nose job should go off without a hitch.
Instead, what impacts your breathing is usually a deviated septum. The septum is the piece of cartilage that separates your nostrils. When this has deviated, you may find it difficult to breathe. Here, a nose job can actually help.
How Rhinoplasty Improves Breathing
Although a nose job often includes a septoplasty (i.e. fixing a deviated septum), it also goes beyond this procedure for more aesthetic results. If your nose is too wide, large, or prominent, with a bulbous or drooping tip, a nose job corrects this.
Simultaneously, your surgeon also corrects your septum, ensuring your breathing clears and there is no nasal sound. Correcting this deformity can also help you if you snore or have other such conditions caused by breath obstruction.
It does this through a highly sophisticated procedure, using state-of-the-art technology like the Piezotome, i.e. ultrasonic bone surgery.
Understanding the Rhinoplasty Procedure
The surgery happens under general anaesthesia, with an incision made at the strip of skin and cartilage separating your nostrils, i.e. the columella. This is the most anteroinferior position of the septum, ensuring that the resulting scar stays well hidden and heals inconspicuously.
Your surgeon accesses the nasal structures through the incision, sculpting bone, tissue, and cartilage based on your aesthetic and functional requirements. During this process, they also fix a deviated septum, all using highly targeted piezosurgery. This bone cutting technology leaves all underlying structures intact while changing the bone and cartilage's shape. Therefore, it ensures safety and precision in your results.
After your procedure, you will need to breathe through your mouth for the first 24 hours as your surgeon fills your nostrils with nasal packs. However, once you can breathe through your nose again, you may notice an immediate improvement given the now-fixed deviated septum.
Alongside fixing the septum’s position, your surgeon can fix numerous other aspects of nasal deformities with the rhinoplasty surgery, such as:
· Bent nose
· Broad or blunt nose
· Dorsal humps
· Nostril asymmetry
· Pinched or flared nostrils
· Round and bulbous nose
· Saddle noses
The versatility of this procedure makes it highly popular today. Its additional functional benefits and easy recovery period ensure its desirability, especially at the hand of an expert cosmetic surgeon. Your surgeon also ensures that your results look as natural as possible, adhering to your existing facial contours.
Dr Priya Bansal employs her extensive expertise in every nose job as a gold-medallist plastic surgeon in Gurgaon. To alleviate stigma and help people look the best they can, Dr Bansal promises safe and effective procedures for every patient she encounters using the state-of-the-art equipment at RG Aesthetics. With piezosurgery, Dr Bansal ensures precision and meets aesthetic desires.