
Computational biology isfundamentally the study of biological concepts and physical laws that are apart of biological phenomena. It includes methods, models, databases, andapplications that make it easier for scientists to work with biologicalsystems. Many complicated biological processes can be explained by employingcomplex computational biologics including the cellular level by means of theuse of computational biochemistry and the biophysical principles in it.Computational approaches to biology have made it possible to study the functionof the genetic material, the genetic code, and the DNA of living systems.
Computational technologies inmedicine have enabled researchers to study the regulation of biologicalprocesses, such as the regulation of the immune response, the regulation ofgene expression, protein synthesis, metabolism, and other responses that occurin response to external factors. This is accomplished by means of mathematicalalgorithms. Computers and their programs control and analyze these algorithms,producing quantitative and qualitative results in real-time. ComputationalBiology has developed specific tools to study these biologicalprocesses, such as genomics, metabolites, chromatin, transcriptomes, and othergenome-wide initiatives.
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