
Compounding pharmacies are generally located insidethe laboratory. In these pharmacies, pharmacists work with pharmacists ortechnicians who combine different components into one medication to meet theneeds of patients. In the pharmaceutical industry, compounding pharmacies areknown as "off-site pharmacies". Other names for them are "unitoperations" and "offsite pharmacies".
Outsourcing pharmacy jobs to compound pharmacieshas its own set of challenges. Pharmaceutical companies that outsource thesejobs must comply with the regulations set by the U.S. Food and DrugAdministration (FDA). These professionals are regulated by the saidorganization. The U.S. FDA regulates how the medicine is manufactured and howit is distributed to the final consumer. Pharmaceutical companies can only hirethose who are certified under their own rules. To this end, off-site compoundingpharmacies must have on staff trained and licensed professionals whoare well versed in the way their medication is produced and how it should besupplied to customers.
There are other side effects that come along with acompounding pharmacy. When doctors prescribe a batch of prescriptions, theseproducts are combined and changed slightly by the pharmacist. This slightchange can mean that the drugs are now much weaker or it could cause themedications to be more easily absorbed into the body. These effects are notconsidered to be harmful by the U.S. FDA. However, some patients have becomeafraid of having prescriptions as they fear that the pharmacist could miss adose, which could cause them harm. The compounding pharmacies have also beenaccused of not doing enough testing on their products.
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