
Inrecent years, the Coating & Asphalt Products industry has grown rapidly.With the expansion of the asphalt and concrete industry came new types ofcoatings such as Asbestos, Oil/ Petroleum, and Concrete Seal Coating. Thisindustry has been able to expand because of many factors; however, one of themost important catalysts has been the development of a number of CoatingAuxiliaries. In fact, some of the major considerations during the process ofstudy have included product classification, product specification, marketclassification, company structure, various drivers in the Coating Auxiliarieseco-system, etc.
Thereare three primary categories of CoatingAuxiliaries. These categories include Process Coating, RefinishingCoating, and Asphalt/Concrete Coatings. Each category provides multipleapplications and services to the coating industry. Depending upon the type ofproduct and the application, there will be specific Coatings such as:
Withthe high growth in the demand for these types of Coatings, the demand forqualified Coating engineers and technicians has risen dramatically. Qualifiedand skilled Coating engineers and technicians can find employment opportunitiesin a variety of job markets. In addition, the high growth and investment in newprojects in these regions offer an opportunity for experienced candidates toget established and gain experience as well as advance in their careers. Withthe high growth in this industry, the competitive wages and competitive workingenvironment of these industries make Coating & Asphalt a career choice thatmany people around the world are opting to make.
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