
CancerRegistry Software has become very popular in the last few years. Thisparticular product configuration is specially designed for medical health carefacilities seeking American Cancer Society (ACS) cancer data collection andwanting software that meet the current Commission on Cancer (CCA) standards forcancer registry software. The primary function of such a software program is tostore patient information in a database that enables quick access by physiciansand other staff. It has also the ability to link with electronic medicalrecords (EMR). However, it cannot apply or download clinical informationdirectly from the EMR/CCR system or communicate with other data obtained fromthe Cancer Registry database.
Ithas been available for several years already to medical facilities and healthcare centers. One of the reasons why such a software product was necessary isbecause EMR/CCR systems were outdated in many regards. Most EMR/CCR systemsrequired manual data collection, which was time-consuming and inconvenient formost cancer patients. Additionally, the data collection methodologies ofEMR/CCR systems are prone to errors as well as human error. CancerRegistry Software products, therefore, are highly useful to medicalfacilities and caregivers who want cancer registry data collection systems thatare reliable and error-free. In addition, these products enable medicalfacilities to have access to complete, accurate, and up-to-date cancer patientinformation in a convenient format.
Aspreviously mentioned it can link the EMR/CCR system with electronic medicalrecords (EMR) which is beneficial for cancer registry companies because suchsystems make it easier for the companies to offer better services to theirclients. For instance, cancer registry can make sure that one has access toupdate and accurate clinical information irrespective of where one is and thatone does not miss out on anything pertinent. This means that one gets to accessall the required information when a person needs them. Due to the ability toeasily use the software, it is also highly portable, which is highly beneficialin situations when the person responsible for managing the EMR/CCR system isunable to travel around the hospital or clinics.
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