
ED & Anxiety
Erectile dysfunction (also known as ED & Impotence) is a common condition that has been affecting the life-style of 18 million American men over 20 annually. Some say that the actual figure is more adjacent to 30 million, which sounds almost accurate due to recent studies on ED-Reports. As we grow, the risk for ED (Erectile-Dysfunction) increases accordingly. When it's about having difficulty maintaining, the erection is not always associated with age. Numerous men experience the ED at some point. The good thing is that the cause of ED could not only be identified but also be treated as well (isn't it good news?). The causes of the ED or impotence can be both psychological & physical. Talking about the success of treatment of Erectile-Dysfunction it all depends upon the current condition of the ED. Studies say that psychological-factors of ED are one of the most common causes. Psychological causes, (like emotional and environmental factors, etc.) are usually curable. This includes stress and anxiety.
The Anxiety-Disorder plays a major role during the development of the dilemmas linked to Erectile-Dysfunction (ED). Psychological and behavioural responses to a Person going through ED could lead to a vicious cycle of increased restlessness, distance & conflicts. In turn, this might lead to a possible lower frequency of sexual-encounters, less time spent together and moreover a lack of communication between the partners during making a relationship. Primary care psychosexual counselling including the detailed explanation of the ED/Impotence, reassurance to the ED-patient and proposal of a solution for ED are already outlined. A multi-disciplinary approach to ED therapy is recommended using psychosexual counselling.
In the case of erection, stress, depression and anxiety can interrupt how our brain sends messages to the penis to release extra blood flow enough to make an erection done.
Stress and anxiety about the ED(Erectile-Dysfunction) can also contribute to the cycle of ongoing ED. Experiencing ED could lead to the behavioural changes that contribute to anxiety & incidences of ED.
Based on a report, Erectile dysfunction (ED) affects nearly more than 20% of men( adults & teen) in the U.S., but the link between stress, anxiety, and sexual problem isn’t often addressed.
The sexual response cycle has four main phases: desire, arousal, orgasm, and relaxation. Erectile Dysfunction specifically relates to arousal. Feeling anxious/stressed makes it even hard to feel or sustain sexual pleasure.
Performance on the bed during anxiety and ED may be linked in several ways. Stress & anxiety about performing sexually or pleasing the partner can cause sexual dysfunction (or say it ED/Impotence) in anyone, regardless of their sex. When a person feels unable to meet the sexual expectations or sexual desires of his partner, they may start feeling guilty or anxious or irritation just because they were unable to have sexual pleasure. These feelings of inadequacy and low self-esteem may lead to physical symptoms, such as ED, impotence, Infertility, etc. Researchers list psychological factors as one of several causes of ED. In other words, a person’s state of mind can affect their ability to perform sexually.
What does it seem to have increased is young men’s performance anxiety. Some of the men believe themselves to have the ED when they are actually anxious & stressed about their sexual performance on the bed. Under enormous social pressure to be smooth sexual performers, they are mistakenly self-diagnosing with ED after a few failed efforts to have sex with their partners.
While it’s possible to have both sexual performance anxiety and ED, it doesn’t always happen this way.