
business setup services in dubai
Dubai is an ideal place in the Middle East, for business setup asit provides more flexible and adaptable business policies. AVANZ ensures a fairand quick solution to your business setup in Dubai. Weprovide a helping hand all through to achieve your dreams in the fast growingEmirate of UAE. We are here to cover the main aspects of business setup indubai . We help you to conquer your dreams in a systematic and affordable way.Thereare mainly three types of procedures to set up a business in Dubai. Mainlandarea, Freezone area & Offshore area. Avanz assists you in a companyformation in any of these areas more easily than ever.
Company formation in Mainlandattracts many as it is simple to set up. Here we need support from a localsponsor. As per Department of Economic Development (DED), local sponsors willhold 51% of shares and expat hold remaining 49%. Some professional businessneeds an local sponsor still expat can hold 100% share.
Business setup in freezone is thebest choice for starters as it does not require a local sponsor. Here expat canhold 100% of shares. Freezone companies are also free from levies and exportduties.
An offshore company is mainlydesigned for dealing business internationally. It can operate outsidefrom the location of registration. It serves various purposes like holdingcompany, holding trademarks, and so on.
How to set up a company in Dubai ?
Here’s your almanac to skillfully set up your company in Dubai.Business set up 101.
To start a company you require theskills, knowledge and experience. If you are new to this and not awareabout the do's and don'ts , approach us without any hesitation. We, at AVANZ,have an experienced team to mould and guide you to move forward. Our expertiseteam is ready to deal with the end-to-end process as our own. Our services arelisted below:
- Decide the zone in which you need to set up your business. This depends upon our requirements and activities.
- Select an appropriate trade name suited for our business. The Economic Department approves this name.
- Should apply for license as per our business. Four types of license available are commercial, professional, industrial. (different for free zone)
- As requested by Economic Development we collect all the approvals from the government authorities.
- If setting up business on the mainland, we locate trustworthy local partners.
- We collect external approvals from the government as well as non-government bodies.
- MOA(Memorandum of Association) is prepared. (to define relationship with partners )
- Tenancy contact and Ejari is attested as per government standards.
- Helps to open a business bank account.
Business license collectionfor companyformation in UAE need tosubmit MOA, Licence application, attested LLC, tenancy contact ,EJARIregistration certificate, passport copies of partners, No Objection Certificatefor partners and other specifications as per our business. Finally thesedocuments are submitted to DED with government fees.
AVANZ makes company formation andbusiness setup effortlessness by providing all services in affordable packagesanywhere in UAE with the support of skilled and experienced executives.