
Boneglue is a very strong, sticky, fluid, protein-based glue typically made fromcollagen, elastin, and hyaluronic acid in bones, muscles, and tendons. Boneglue is frequently considered inferior to medical parchment and skin glues forthe treatment of bone fractures. They are typically sold in bulk form ratherthan sheets. The thick consistency of the glue allows it to be applied morequickly and more thoroughly to bones. It is also capable of withstandinggreater force during use.
Mostbone glue is composed of an animal compound called diamorphine.There is also an assortment of other ingredients including waxes andsurfactants. Bone glue used to fix broken bones is often considered a betteralternative to medical-grade epoxy glue because of the greater elasticity andstrength of the glue. These animal adhesive products have also been provensafer and more effective than medical-grade epoxy glues for the treatment oftraumatic injuries.
Beforeapplying the bone glue, it is advisable to read the included instructionscarefully. Although using warm water can help the glue adhere better, it isalso important to utilize an adequate amount of cold water so that the gluedoes not lose its viscosity. If the glue loses its viscosity, it will notremain put on the bone. This can result in additional scarring and difficultyin the healing process.
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