
Aspartame is found in a variety of foods, including desserts and beverages under the brand names Canderel and Pous-suc. Because of its high sweetening power, the properties of the aspartame agent gained market attraction in the early 1980s. Because of its negative health effects, aspartame has received increased attention. It is currently approved by a number of regulatory agencies and health organizations, including the FDA (Food and Drug Administration), the American Dietetic Association, the American Heart Association, and the United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization.
The main segments that are preferred on the basis of the ingredients used are dietary products and food products. Because of the rise in health-conscious food products and government regulations, manufacturers are required to use specific ingredients, specifically coloring and flavorings agents. Aspartame is a nonnutritive, highly concentrated sweetening agent derived from genetically modified amino acids. It is used in a wide range of products, including dietary and food products. It is a white powder that is about 200 times sweeter than sugar and has no odor. It is known as the E951 in Europe and France.
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