
Both animal antimicrobials and antibiotics are used forvarious purposes in the husbandry of livestock to cure a diagnosed animal or tooffer preventative treatment against a wide range of infections and diseases.Animals usually require aggressive infection management strategies, which ofteninclude the use of antibiotic therapy. Thus, animal antimicrobials andantibiotics are widely used in animal feed to treat clinical disease, toprevent and control common diseases, as well as to enhance animal growth. Antimicrobialsand antibiotics can help treat bacterial diseases in animals. However, shouldonly be used when necessary.
Animal medicines and drugs such as Staphysagris, Cantharis, Hypericumperforatum, Malasez, Syphilinum, etc. have been used to cure a variety ofdiseases such as skin disorder, urinary tract infection, diarrhea, and more. Animalantimicrobials and antibiotics are available in tablet or capsule formor given through injection. However, some of these tablets cannot be swallowedintact, they break into smaller particles when they reach inside the stomach.So, animals must be given chewing toys to swallow the tablets. Therefore, forthese reasons, the use of aerosol inhalation, injection, and oral consumptionof antibiotics is very important.
The animal should be given adequate care and attention sothat it does not suffer from stress while being put to sleep. The dosage andproper administration of these veterinary drugs must be followed verycarefully. However, the dosage of animal antimicrobials and antibiotics willdepend on the nature of the infection.
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