
Alkylene glycols, such as ethylene glycols and propyleneglycols, are widely used in a variety of applications such as in themanufacturing of antifreezes and PET plastics, among others. Alkylene glycolsare commonly used as a food additive or ingredient in many cosmetic and hygieneproducts. Moreover, the European and United States food authorities havedeclared it as generally safe for use in foods. Ethylene glycol is anindustrial compound found in many consumer products, such as cosmetics, films,plastics, paints, solvents, ballpoint pens, stamp pad inks, hydraulic brakefluids, and automotive antifreeze; it also is used as a pharmaceutical vehicle.Propylene glycol is used as a moisturizer and skin softener in personal careproducts.
It can be super helpful for fighting dryness and improvingskin's overall texture. And while it's generally considered safe, it's not foreveryone. One of the primary use of alkylene glycol is in antifreezeand industrial fluids, particularly in diesel. Ethylene glycol does notrepresent any significant hazard in its application as antifreeze orantiseptic, although there are theoretical concerns about its toxicity wheningested. It contains no known carcinogens, and its acute toxicity is nothigher than that of chlorine. There are, however, some case reports concerningthe consumption of ethylene glycol, both in laboratory animals and in man.
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