
A patent medicine, often called a nostrum, is anover-the-counter medicine advertised as an herbal remedy, with no regard to itstherapeutic efficacy. Such products claim that the source of their therapeuticaction can be found in natural ingredients such as vitamins, herbal extracts,botanicals, or minerals, and these ingredients can then be used in theirformulation in order to produce a custom made remedy. However, there are anumber of significant difficulties that are often raised by medicalpractitioners against these remedies. Nostrums are openly sold that claimed tocure or prevent venereal diseases, tuberculosis, and cancer. Patent medicineswere supposedly able to cure just about everything.
A nostrum is marketed as containing a new herbal extract,usually one that has not been tested in humans, but which has been claimed tohave natural healing properties. It is frequently marketed online, on TV and inmagazines as a cure-all to a multitude of health conditions. With thismarketing trend, the number of patentmedicine that contain ingredients from plants, herbs and other naturalsources is also growing. Thus, even plants and other natural compounds thathave not been tested in humans are being marketed as prescription drugs. Theproblem is that prescription drugs are largely based on chemistry andtherefore, are synthetic. Therefore, in theory, any compound that is designedto act on the human body should be safe.
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